Government ministers and senior officials from dozens of countries convened at the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation in Rome for the inaugural ministerial meeting of the World Fusion Energy Group (WFEG) no 6 Novermber, underscoring the growing interest and progress in developing fusion technology to provide a clean, safe and limitless source of energy. 

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi and – on behalf of the Italian President of the Council of Ministers Giorgia Meloni – Undersecretary of State to the Presidency of the Council of Minister Alfredo Mantovano delivered the opening speeches together with the Italian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Antonio Tajani and the Italian Minister of Environment and Energy Gilberto Pichetto Fratin.

During the WFEG ministerial discussions, co-organized by the IAEA and Italy, participants widely agreed that cross-border collaboration is essential to accelerate the transition from fusion research to commercialization. Speakers highlighted the need to work together to establish international supply chains and develop the required specialised workforce.  

The meeting – the first of its kind – showed how recent developments and technical breakthroughs in the fusion sector have generated new momentum, making the deployment of fusion plants in the near future increasingly plausible. 

In a further sign of increased interest, the IAEA launched two fusion publications – the World Fusion Outlook 2024 and Fusion Key Elements – on the occasion of the meeting.

“The fusion sector is experiencing an unprecedented transformation, driven by scientific breakthroughs, combined with a surge in private sector investment,” said IAEA Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi, who presented the two publications at the WFEG.

“The IAEA has intensified its involvement, resulting in the World Fusion Outlook and Fusion Key Elements, as well as the expansion of our activities devoted to advancing fusion engineering, ensuring safety, addressing environmental concerns, developing regulatory frameworks, and examining the socio-economic dimensions related to fusion energy,” Director General Grossi said.

It is worth mentioning that Energy Singularity’s work is mentioned in the World Fusion Outlook, including our first HTS tokamak HH70 which achieved first plasma this year and the next generation device HH170 which is currently under design.